we can enhance healing by focusing on the spirit-soul-body connection.

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As a partner, you’ll gain premiere access to member-only insights and articles, newsletters, and virtual meetings to help you learn how to use science and Scripture to heal the human mind, body, and spirit.

Each of our offerings are designed to inspire and educate. We will discuss practical solutions to our everyday challenges in the area of harmful thought life affecting our bodies in a negative fashion, and positive thought life affecting our bodies in a positive fashion.

the book | AVAILABLE NOW

The GOD Prescription blends Scripture with science to heal the human spirit, mind, and body.

Here are just a few examples of the potentially life-changing concepts you will learn in The God Prescription:

  • How a focus on the three parts of humankind can help us heal debilitating and costly problems in society like obsessions and addictions that have created the opioid crisis, chronic stress, rampant depression, and violence.

  • The ways God built our bodies to heal, such as through regenerative stem cells.

  • Why it’s important to, and how to, replace traumatic childhood experiences with God’s love.

  • How to heal ourselves with laughter.

  • How to stop the cycle of worry and fear.

  • How to avoid illnesses and diseases that result from a spiritual void, a negative mind-set, and emotional issues by strengthening your soul and spirit.


read excerpts

“Avery is a true master of what he does. He prepares intensively before surgery and is totally focused. He prays throughout — you can literally watch him talk to God as he works.”

— Dr. Caroline Leaf Ph.D, Communication Pathologist and Cognitive Neuroscientist and New York Times bestselling author.

About Dr. Jackson

Dr. Avery Jackson, III is a neurosurgeon, an author, and Chief Executive Officer of the Michigan Neurosurgical Institute, a private practice collaboration with an emphasis on Compassion, Surgical Excellence, and Education.

watch the show

Dr. Avery and Caramarie Jackson discuss medical topics on the health of the tri-part man: spirit, soul, and body through the lens of God’s Word. You can tune into to “The God Prescription” Show on Victory Channel or OV TV.

Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” - Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)

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